Ever find yourself showing a friend or family member how to do something? Could be something really simple around the house or sharing information that you have learnt online or from a short course that you’ve attended. Whether it be small or trivial in nature, you have provided value to another person. In very simplistic terms, you may have a possible business idea on your hands.
Very similar to the Just Get Started – Grow the Way it Should Rather Than How You Think it Should blog, a lot people tend to wait for the perfect set of circumstances or external validation to take action on a business idea. In particular, there is a myth that we should all become experts first, displaying our qualifications and experience in the topic before publicly putting ourselves out there to share with others.
Don’t fake-it-til-you-make-it
Now don’t confuse this as a green light to jump the gun and start talking or sharing information about topics that you know nothing about. This isn’t a fake-it-til-you-make-it approach and many products/services demand a level of expertise and education in order to open up shop to trade. You need to be honest about your own story, journey and level of knowledge you have. That honesty holds currency and builds a more robust connection and will have a far better impact on others.
How do you share it?
The possibilities are vast and only limited to your own imagination and creativity. Some straight forward options could be a bite sized workshop, both in person and online. This could be valuable for those who only wish to know the basics where you can cut through the haze to show others the practical elements of that particular topic. You could also utilise a number of different online platforms such as blogs, vlogs, a podcast or even an exclusive community group. These outlets are a way for you to re-purpose what you have personally learnt and pass it forward to provide value for others.
Whether you choose to monetise these options or not is secondary to the way in which you share what you know. If your audience knows your intention and your story, then there is a far better chance of buy in and support.
Don’t be delusional
Not everyone is going to find value in what you have to share, nor should they. For as many people who disregard you or think that your information is not practical, there are just as many out there who will truly appreciate your efforts and consume the information that you are putting out into the world.
What you know versus what someone else knows is always vastly different and those new pieces of information that you pick up along the way could be just as valuable to others as it has been for you. The naysayers will always be there, but as we have covered, if your transparent and your intentions are honest then any criticism will fall to the side.
Reflecting back to Episode 9 of the Self Starter podcast
In the earlier stages of her business, Amy from Niche Massage in episode 9 of the podcast wasn’t a qualified remedial massage therapist and has never advertised herself that way. While having a little experience prior, Amy began with a simple weekend course. What she learnt could then be offered to others. There was enough value in that first course to get her started. This dispels the myth that you have to be highly qualified and experienced to justify providing a service. As long as you are up front and honest in your capabilities then you’re poised to create your own zone and value.
Sharing your knowledge at any stage of your own education brings others along for the journey and cultivates authenticity to who you are and what you do. Passing on what you know will lead to others exchanging their own knowledge with you. As you continue to learn more, you can continue to cycle that back to your community.
Photo by Monica Melton on Unsplash