Times get tough and we should never hesitate to lean on others that are willing to lend their ear to our challenges.
There’s a lot of a noise out there and you should be mindful of who you listen to and when you should dig deep and keep your head down.
While you should always follow your gut and not let anyone stray you from your path, its important to find support in others. Not only will this see you through the more difficult times of your journey in self employment but it will also give you opportunities to learn from others, gain new perspectives and even share some best practices.
Inspiration comes from all kinds of people, so don’t be afraid to reach out to others when you need it.
Stevino Vinetti of Italian Guild (episode 3 of the Self Starter Podcast) explained the importance of expressing his feelings and leaning on his wife for support through the difficult times.
Have you had a moment where someone directly or indirectly has kept your head above water and given you the reassurance you needed to keep going? Leave a comment below!