Mishka Bobrov of Bondi Heat is new to the world of self employment and small business. Having bounced around from job to job, he found himself in an unexpected moment where his father tried some home made olive oil made by Mishka and saw an opportunity. He encouraged Mishka to pursue and create a business around something that he saw was marketable.
Luckily for Mishka, this was the moment to escape from the past several years of working in security and lead him on a path to start something that would truly spark a passion for him.
We spoke only a few weeks into launch of the company and of course things were looking bright and optimistic. Like any business however there will be ups and downs, but Mishka has a close and solid network of friends and family who believe in him and are as hands on with support and the running of the business.
In a market these days saturated in hot sauces, Mishka is looking to use the momentum of the market to create a point of difference with Bondi Heat where chilli infused olive oil is the staple and flavour is the focus.
Follow Bondi Heat via Main Website | Facebook | Instagram |
Location – Sydney, New South Wales
1. A Premium quality product deserves premium quality content – Don’t take any short cuts. If you think that your product is high quality then you should make sure that it is presented in a way that deservedly highlights it. Mishka has made no sacrifices with the visuals surrounding Bondi Heat and has brought a skilled friend on board to help with the marketing and presentation of his products. Remember that it’s not you that needs convincing, it’s everyone else. Spend a little more money and time to make sure that what you are selling looks the very best it can be. It will be worth it.
2. Who are we trying to sell this product to? – Mishka’s product is all about Bondi. He’s grown up there, his community and family are there and of course the business shares the name. It’s only natural that he is targeting those who are either in the area or identify with Bondi lifestyle. Remember that you don’t need to win everyone single person over. Think about that stereotypical person who would love what you are selling. Maybe they are very similar to you. Once you have worked that out, target target target.
3. Work with others who are skilled – Mishka built the company to be a community. This is not just about him but about everyone who works with him and is a part of it. Friends and Family are important, so for Mishka it’s a natural move to utilise the skills from the people who mean the most to him. He will never need to do this on his own. As much as we would like to think that we can do it all, it’s best to be real about our limitations and not hesitating in bringing in good and skilled people who can fill the gaps, support you and help you to succeed.
4. Make the most of every moment – Mishka fought an aggressive form of Bone Cancer when he was a teenager. When he was all clear in 2010, he took on an attitude to make the most of life. A lot of us are fortunate to not have these same types of challenges, but life can change dramatically at any moment. What are you going to do right now to get after what you want? Don’t sit back and wait. Every moment counts. Make the most of it!