It’s the silver lining approach. We all have those rough days where we may feel like throwing in the towel. Maybe it’s a slow day, no one is paying attention, sales are sluggish or non-existent, or you’re lumped with an uninspiring task that appears to be draining the life from you.
Pushing through those tougher days can be made slightly easier by asking yourself the question “where is opportunity is in this?” It may be a personal development opportunity such as improving productive habits, strengthening your resilience, or even simply learning more about yourself (eg: why am I reacting to today’s events in this way? Why is today hard for me personally?). It could also be an unexpected job or client opportunity that comes from existing work that you at first didn’t want to take on.
A slow day may encourage space to think creatively and brainstorm new ideas, or even work on old neglected ones.
Whatever the situation might be, you can find progress and growth every single day. Even if it feels like you have achieved nothing on the surface.
Each day enables you to break the rules and the daily pattern. Why not take a rest, be lazy or bored to allow space to think (chances are you need it, with a momentary break being long overdue). Alternatively, you could create a challenge for the day that finds yourself pushing outside of your comfort zone such as asking someone a question you’ve been afraid to approach, attempting a new skill or attending an event that aligns with your interests or self employment goals.
Michelle Winward of Swabbin’ the Decks Cleaning Services featured in Episode 8 of the podcast has embraced this approach, finding that little mindset approaches such as these are critical to pushing through those days where you want to give it all up.
Had a fizzer of a day? Learn what you can from it and look forward to tomorrow where a new set of opportunities await. Your daily reset, daily cleanse and daily set of new opportunities are awaiting you to take a further step in the right direction. You just need to give yourself the chance to look for them.
If you feel sideswiped by what feels like ‘the worst day ever’, just remember – It all lends to the bigger picture and there is always tomorrow. Get excited.
Photo by David Sinclair on Unsplash